Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Defensive Line Teaching Progression

Shaler Area HS Defensive Line

Teaching Progression

Pre Snap Checklist

A.    Stance (of OL)
B.     Eyes (of OL)
C.     Splits (of OL)
D.    Formation strength – (Run Strength)

I.                    Knowledge

A.                        Stance – “Rip-Charge” 

1.                Covered hand down – covered foot back; unless 5-tech out, then hand to the ball!
2.                toe to instep/heel stagger
3.                Feet slightly shoulder-width apart
4.                Weight on the inside balls of feet- Heels slightly out – “Eagle-Claw”
5.                Inside hand on front of eyes – All fingers in contact with ground
6.                Crowd ball – NOT OFF SIDES!!!
7.                Shoulders square – Tail slightly above shoulders
8.                Head slightly up – looking through brow
9.                Weight slightly forward (60% on hand – 40% on feet) – off hand in ready position as a weapon – thumb up!

B.                        Alignment

1.                Inside foot splits the crotch of offensive lineman
2.                Covered shoulder pad tip to OL shoulder pad tip unless hand to the ball in 5-tech out!
C.                        Assignment - KNOW YOUR DEFENSE!!!

1.                Know your defensive fronts
2.                Know ahead what your movement will be to defeat blocks
3.                Know your gap assignment – Know when these change due to blitzes

GOAL: Establish new line of scrimmage through the OL gap side; STRIKE V of neck with strike hand & shoulder pad tip with offhand!                                          We want one yard deep in the backfield to be OURS!!

II.                 Fundamentals

A.                        Get-off

1.                Key the ball – Strike when ball moves; (All drills will begin with ball movement when possible)
2.                Attack with inside foot; short 6 inch power step, looking to get 3 steps before the down hand and assume a great strike position!!
3.                Pad level down, eyes at the numbers of OL & STAY LOW!!!

                                 GOAL: Beat the OL out of their stance. By the time the ball reaches the    
                     Center’s tail, we should be striking / attacking OL & gap @ v of neck

B.                        Hand/Hat Placement

1.                Hands explode from ground up -  Elbows in, thumbs up
2.                Aiming for V of the neck / breastplate of OL – Be quick, inside hand replacement wins
3.                Helmet attacks and stays to gap side V of neck -  critical on reach blocks
4.                Feet must NEVER stop moving / win the battle of the hands!
5.                Pad level down & STAY LOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

C.                        Separation

1.                Strike- Zone @ full extension of arm, Lock elbows so arms are straight!!
2.                Use power hand/trail hand technique to turn shoulders of OL.
a.            Power hand lock out and stop pressure of OL using “Push-Pull” technique to turn OL shoulders & “Drive-Away” from block!!
b.            Trail hand pull
3.                Separation will occur up field

D.                        Escape

1.                Violent pull – disrupt blocker from his responsibility
2.                Rip under -  power hand press, trail hand under
3.                Arm over – Power hand grab, trail hand over
4.                Play to backside (away), squeeze 1 gap

E.                         Pass Rush – Stance - “Cobra-Charge” 

1.                Covered hand down – covered foot back; unless 5-tech out, then hand to the ball!
2.                Toe to heel stagger
3.                Feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart
4.                Weight on the inside balls of feet- Heels slightly out – Back toe is a toe tap ready position!!
5.                Inside hand on front of eyes – All fingers in contact with ground
6.                Crowd ball – NOT OFFSIDES!!!
7.                Shoulders square – Tail slightly above shoulders
a.            Head slightly up – looking through brow Weight slightly forward (70% on hand – 30% on feet) – off hand in ready position as a weapon – thumb up!
8.                Know your rush lane
9.                Concentrate on defeating the blocker – never stop feet!!
10.            Break blocker down with mechanism – never stop feet!!
11.            Execute rush with technique – dispose of blocker;
A.    Speed
B.     Speed – Power
C.     Speed - Counter
12.            QB fronts to you – Hands tall & up in passing lane!
13.            QB fronts away – close hard & drive to finish rush!!

III.              Effort

A.                        Pursuit

1.                ALWAYS 110% effort to the ball on every play
2.                use correct pursuit angles
3.                Expect to make every play
4.                Swarm and PUNISH all ball carriers
5.                Pass contain
6.                Pursuit Laterally
7.                Trail play to backside
8.                Strip ball – cause turnovers

B.                        Tackling

1.                Explode through ball carrier from ground up
2.                Bull neck, club arms, grab cloth
3.                Never Stop FEET!!
4.                Drive ball carrier back
5.                Force turnover, creating Takeaways!


A.            Long snap counts – KEY BALL
B.            Quick counts -  KEY BALL
C.            No huddle
D.            OL Subs
E.             Fumble (recover/ score)


A.            Encourage each other
B.            Communicate with each other
C.            Teach with each other
D.            Teach each other
E.             Learn from each other.

 "Feet Never Stop Moving! Win the Battle of the Hands!"

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